Songs I Listen to Because of the Awesome Music Video:
Here's a list (I don't know if for me or you) of Songs I Listen to Because of the Awesome Music Video. Keep in mind, not all were music videos, some were videos with these in the background. Also, I don't actually like all these songs (I'll let you guess which ones), they just have awesome videos.
So in no particular order (reverse "play count" in iTunes), Songs I Listen to Because of the Awesome Music Video: (Some didn't allow embedding, sorry.)
Code Monkey AMV - Jonathan Coulton
House of the Rising Sun - The Animals
This Too Shall Pass - OK Go
Proof - I Am Kloot
The Saints Are Coming - U2 & Green Day (Boondock Saints 2 Trailer)
Not Me Not You - The Jacks
Fel Del Av Gården - MOVITS!
La Breeze - Simian
New Soul - Yael Naïm
Apple Macbook Air Ad and the music video
Above - Blue Man Group (I don't remember the video; I think it was an animated infograph)
Bubblicious - Rex The Dog
Happy Up Here - Röyksopp
High School Never Ends - Bowling for Soup
Flagpole Sitta - Harvey Danger
Hide and Seek - Namie Amuro
Her Morning Elegance - Oren Lavie
I Don't Know - Lisa Hannigan
The Beginning Is The End Is The Beginning - The Smashing Pumpkins (Watchmen Trailer)
Here It Goes Again - OK Go
We Will Become Silhouettes - The Postal Service
There was an awesome podcast video about snowboarding from which I found this song. But being before my blogging days, I have no idea where it is or what it was.
Weapon Of Choice - Fatboy Slim (Christopher Walken)
I've Got Some Falling To Do - Lemon Demon
My Body Is a Cage - Arcade Fire (Also showed me Once Upon a Time in the West)
Vilaine Canaille (Nasty Riffraff) - Archimède
Daydream - The Lovin' Spoonful
Safety Dance - Men Without Hats
MP3 Experiment IV Intro - Tyler Walker (I don't think this one belongs on this list, oh well.)
Baba Yetu - Christopher Tin (Civilization 4 intro)
Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny
Fireworks Song - RhettandLink (Or anything by RhettandLink)
Handlebars - Flobots
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