Notes on Apple's Keynote
Notes on Apple's Keynote--------------------
New Effects (in Keynote)
drop with dust transition
falling/breaking letter transition
weird random letter move in and wiggle/twist/weird transition
Drop with smoke and shatter
The Filming producer had ADD (lots of fast pointless cutaways).
Every crowd shot was the same small group
Odd, seemingly unnecessary slides (having a slide with the iPhone and the Macbook, showing the word iPad in the middle and the showing the word iPad big on the screen before going right back to the previous slide).
Either the wrong transition was used several times in the keynote or those transitions were just too fast.
Brushes looked cool, but its creator should not have been allowed to speak; he sounded like he was reading a script.
There was a huge amount of time spent demoing.
iLife has new origami slideshow (hopefully more).
Twice they referred to a "gold rush" do they not realize that the gold rush was a flop except for a few?
So how DID he do the "drop with dust" effect. Is that a "coming soon" add in?
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